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Board of Fire Commissioners
March 25, 2013
Regular Monthly Meeting
Called to Order at 7:02 p.m.
Botsford Fire and Rescue

Commissioners Present:  Cragin, Burton, Descheneaux, Goosman, Jossick, Manna, and Nezvesky

Marshal’s present:  Halstead, Frampton, and Ober

Special Appearances:

  • Girl Scout, Hanna Warshaw from Warren, CT, presented each fire company with 20 boxes each of Girl Scout cookies that she sold to recognize them for their efforts responding to the 12/14 Newtown tragedy.  
  • Brian Malloy of the Newtown Country Club would like to thank all first responders by inviting them and their families on May 5th to an all day, and evening, event which includes golfing, barbeque, clambake, music, etc.  Some celebrities will be in attendance.  He would like to make this an annual event for all first responders.
Opening Comments from Chairman Manna
Manna stated that one of his goals as Chairman is to implement a Five Year Plan that would allow one department each year to purchase a large capital item on a rotating basis.  The Budget Committee will detail this plan out further.

Approval of Minutes:
MOTION:  Descheneaux moved that the minutes of 2/25/13 be approved as presented.
Seconded:    Burton
Motion passed unanimously

Correspondence from the Board:  
Date:           From/To                 Subject                         ____________________
Correspondence to the Board:  
Date:           From/To                 Subject                                 _____________

Public Participation:  none

Marshal’s report for the month of February

There were 68 calls, 388 incidents, and 374 hours.  $253,000 in damage; $75 in fees collected.

  • Blasting complaint at 166 Mt. Pleasant
  • NASCAR event did a review on propane tanks
  • AFS Site Review
  • Narrow banding completed and stickers distributed
  • Fire Drill Children’s Adventure Center
  • Primrose building sprinkler inspection
  • Misty Vale Deli – Electric problem
  • Tickets for opening day Yankee baseball game will be distributed to all five departments this Wednesday.
Committee Reports:

Combined Chiefs Report
Halstead setting up next Chief’s meeting shortly.  Hydrant use will be discussed.  Jay Nezvesky to attend as Hydrant Committee representative.

Budget – Burton reported:
  • Proposed budget for next year is with the LC – no issues yet.
  • Five year plan for rotating capital item purchases was discussed.  $30K line item will be available from the BOFC annual operating budget.  They can purchase up to $30K or below – only for one major capital purchase.  No credit will be given for unused money.
  • Capital can be combined with the fire departments individual capital amount for the year.  Larger purchase can be made with their own additional funds.
  • One company per year would benefit on a rotating basis.  Starting with 2013-2014 - Dodgingtown, then Hawleyville, Botsford, NH&L, and Sandy Hook.
  • Purchases can be used for firehouse improvements, firefighting equipment or apparatus.
  • Purchases must conform to town and BOFC purchasing guidelines.
  • Manna commended the Budget Committee for completing this initiative.
  • #551 was repaired at a cost of $300, and will be paid.
  • Bills will no longer be accepted at the BOFC meetings.  Please ask vendors to send bills to the BOFC, P.O. Box 558, Newtown, CT.  Bills will also get paid more quickly.  Training requests should be sent to Burton the Friday before the regular monthly meetings.  Please scan and send them to Burton and Hennessey.
Truck – Jossick reported
  • Waiting on storage box.
  • NH&L started DOT’s today.
  • Asked that all chiefs be sure their trucks are reviewed judiciously to avoid unnecessary repair costs.
  • Manna reported on the insurance coverage for #114 – at a cost of $70 coverage, would include a reimbursement of $30 a day up to 60 days towards a rental equaling $1800.00.  It was agreed to accept this.
Policies and Procedures
  • Tax Abatement – Goosman met with her committee and will report back at next month’s meeting with their findings.
  • Cragin made copies of all policies and procedures for the commissioners.
Radio and Hydrant -
  • Manna reported that NH&L was granted an AFG grant in the amount of $124K for portable radios.  The department is responsible for 5% of the total granted amount.  Past practice allowed departments to forfeit capital to fund the 5%.  The granted equipment would become the town’s equipment.  NH&L to trade in their old radios for a one to one exchange.  Turned in radios will be held by the purchasing agent for use by other departments in the event they need a replacement radio.
NUSAR – no report

  • Manna attended a public safety committee meeting on March 5th with the DOC, a meeting with the BOS on 3/18 and Parade Committee meeting on 3/20.  The Parade Committee is discussing honoring the First Responders this year.  The Parade Committee would like to know how much space each department needs.  This information needs to be given to Manna.
  • Cragin and Nezvesky attended the Board of Selectman’s meeting on 3/18/13.   
  • Burton gave the BOS a spreadsheet which outlined all the required documents that must be kept with all the departments to stay current with all federal and state agencies.
Old Business:

  • Equipment Purchasing Standardization:  Manna and Burton met with Llodra who asked the BOFC to come up with an Equipment Purchasing Standardization policy and report back to her.
Combined Fire Company Event:
  • Chiefs to send Manna names of participants who would be interested in being on the Ad Hoc Committee.
  • Descheneaux is looking for more input from the chiefs as to which direction this event should go.  Training or more recreational?
Training Requests:

MOTION:  Nezvesky moved to accept Botsford Fire and Rescue’s request in the amount of $350 for Danbury Burn Building rental fee.
Seconded:  Cragin
Motion passed unanimously

MOTION:  Nezvesky moved to accept Botsford Fire and Rescue’s request in the amount of $391.88 for 3 members to attend the New England FOOLS Northeastern Summit.
Seconded:  Cragin
Motion passed unanimously

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Hennessey
Board of Fire Commissioners